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Land des Verkäufers


  • Bild des Verkäufers für Atlas typischer chirurgischer Operationen für Ärzte und Studierende. Nach Aquarellen von Maler Franz Frohse, Berlin. Mit einem Vorwort von Ernst von Bergmann. Mit erläuterndem Text und Abbildungen der gebräuchlisten Instrumente. zum Verkauf von Antiq. F.-D. Söhn - Medicusbooks.Com

    Jena, Verlag von Gustav Fischer, (1904)-1906, gr.-4°, (98) pp. mit hunderten von Instrumentenabbildungen und 60 Farbtafeln, orig. Leinenband. First Edition! "In their Atlas of Typical Surgical Operations Dr. Bockenheimer and Dr. Frohse depict the steps of some thirty-three different procedures. This is not a student's atlas; no amputations or excisions are illustrated, nor the other operations included in a student's course of operative surgery. Most of the plates are based on the methods of Professor von Bergmann; many of them are life-size, and while some are of necessity partly diagrammatic, their anatomical accuracy and clearness leave nothing to be desired. For refreshing the memory on the steps of important operations the work will no doubt prove serviceable to many surgeons. The text accompanying the plates is commendably full, in many cases giving the indications for and the particular advantages of the operation described. Most of the operations described call for no remark; they are well-recognized procedures, which all surgeons practise on much the same lines. Five plates are devoted to von Bergmann's method of excision of the tongue, the important points of which are lateral section of the jaw combined with splitting of the cheek and a long vertical incision into the anterior triangle of the neck. This method gives a free exposure of the primary disease, but the tendency now is to go further afield in removing lymphatic glands than is here recommended. Excision of the larynx is also very fully illustrated, and the text gives a complete description of this difficult operation. The operation for breast cancer is not sufficiently radical to satisfy the majority of English surgeons. A shaving is taken off the pectoralis major, otherwise the muscles are left alone, and the description of how to deal with the regional glands, is lacking in precision. Among the best of the plates are those illustrating operations on the gall bladder and bile ducts; here Kehr's long undulating incision is recommended, and this surgeon's methods are followed in the text. The plates are a real help to the understanding of this somewhat awkward corner of the abdomen. Professor Lexer is associated with the authors in the description of operations on the trigeminal nerve, which includes the Hartley-Krause method of removal of the Gasserian ganglion. From an artistic point of view the plates compare very favorably with those of other atlases. The colours are of the vivid order, but this is necessary if anatomical details are to be clearly shown." The British Medical Journai, Vol. 1, No. 2403 (Jan. 19, 1907), p. 145 Philipp Bockenheimer (1875-1933); Fritz Frohse (1871-1916).