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    Enschede/ Doetinchem, AFdH, 1e druk, 2012, 108 pag., illustraties, vormgeving Martien Frijns, hardcover, klein octavo. = Één van 300 genummerde exemplaren voor intekenaren van de pers (no.6), maar niet gesigneerd door de auteur. KHOP is an uncompromising romantic, living on borrowed time, and stubbornly trying to stick by the one he loves, the one who will at one time invariably leave the house forever on creaking floorboards and in the mutual understanding of unspoken words. Yet, there may sometimes be splendor in loneliness and at certain moments in our lives there may arise an urge even to ask the ultimate question, but what this question is remains in the dark. Whether the meaning of these 50 pieces is really as easy to grasp as the author (perhaps ironically) suggests, is for each separate reader to decide, for some they will read like pure poetry, for others the quality of these texts - each containing exactly 50 words - will be determined by their philosophical value. To my mind these literary pieces show a delightful mixture of both poetic and existential truths. Natural scenery and animals form a regular background to the thoughts and scenes described. Heavy rains and mudpools, crystalline streams with purifying eddies, long and winding roads, clouds and birds and especially horses. Cormac McCarthy would fully approve of 50 Easy Pieces. And so do I. L.H. Wiener.

  • Zustand: new. Pages: 672 Language: Russian. V dannoj knige issledujutsja strategii integratsii korporativnykh prilozhenij s pomoschju mekhanizmov obmena soobschenijami. Avtory rassmatrivajut shablony proektirovanija i privodjat prakticheskie primery integratsii prilozhenij, demonstrirujuschie preimuschestva obmena soobschenijami i effektivnost reshenij, sozdavaemykh na osnove etoj tekhnologii. Kazhdyj shablon soprovozhdaetsja opisaniem nekotoroj zadachi proektirovanija, obsuzhdeniem iskhodnykh uslovij i predstavleniem elegantnogo, sbalansirovannogo reshenija. Avtory podcherkivajut kak preimuschestva, tak i nedostatki obmena soobschenijami, a takzhe dajut prakticheskie sovety po napisaniju koda podkljuchenija prilozhenija k sisteme obmena soobschenijami, marshrutizatsii soobschenij i monitoringa sostojanija sistemy.Kniga orientirovana na razrabotchikov programmnogo obespechenija i sistemnykh integratorov, ispolzujuschikh razlichnye tekhnologii i produkty dlja obmena soobschenijami, takie kak Java Message Service (JMS), Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ), IBM WebSphere MQ, Microsoft BizTalk, TIBCO, WebMethods, SeeBeyond, Vitria i dr. 9785907144453.